How could being on the NHS waiting list impact your holiday?

How could being on the NHS waiting list impact your holiday?

It is no secret that the NHS has been struggling in recent years. With millions of people finding themselves on waiting lists for consultations and treatment, the backlog has left many people living in a state of uncertainty.

A peaceful holiday abroad can provide a welcoming escape, but many people are finding that being on a long wait list has repercussions even for their long-awaited holiday.

Let’s dive straight in: how big is the NHS England waiting list?

While some reports state that there are almost 6.3 million people waiting for treatment on NHS England,other sources cite far higher figures.

An Office for National Statistics report found the number of people on the waiting list to be nearly a third greater at around 9.7 million people,2 1.3 million of whom had been waiting for an appointment for more than a year.3

Are long waiting lists only an issue in England?

Interestingly, most news reports tend to focus on NHS England’s waiting lists, but does this mean this is only an issue in England?*

According to the most recent estimates by the ONS, there were 57.1 million people living in England as of June 2022.4 If we trust the figures stating that 6.3 million people are waiting for medical treatment, then that means 11% of the English population is on a waiting list.

Scotland’s population was estimated to be 5.45 million as of June 2022.Figures released earlier this week show that 840,000 people are currently on the waiting list in Scotland and 10% of those have been waiting for longer than a year.This means that 15% of the Scottish population is currently on a waiting list.

The latest figures show that the waiting list for hospital treatment in Wales has hit a record high, with 599,100 patients waiting for hospital treatment as of March 2024. Many of these patients are waiting for more than one treatment and over 20,000 have been waiting more than two years already.7 With a population of approximately 3.13 million as of June 2022,Wales therefore has a staggering 19% of its population waiting for hospital treatment.

In June 2022, Northern Ireland (NI) had a population of over 1.91 million.The latest figures show that 356,229 patients were currently on a waiting list, however this figure only covers four of the five health trusts in NI, meaning the true figure will likely be much higher.10 Based on the figures we do have, that means more than 18.6% of the NI population are waiting to receive medical care. Research also shows that 172,789 patients have had to wait over a year for an outpatient appointment, with the most dismal waits being ENT surgery 6.5 years wait, and urology at 6 years.11

*Please be aware that the calculations above are only estimates. All the data regarding population statistics are from the latest figures released by the Office for National Statistics, but please bear in mind that these are almost two years out of date.12 These percentages are just to give a gauge of the scale of the issue facing the NHS across the UK.

How could being on the NHS waiting list impact my travel insurance?

When purchasing travel insurance, you are asked a series of questions relating to your health, one of which is whether you are waiting for any medical treatment(s). This includes if you are on a waiting list to be tested as well as if have a diagnosis but are waiting for treatment.

While being on a waiting list will not necessarily stop you from being able to obtain travel insurance, it will likely mean that you have to pay a higher premium, and it may also come with more exclusions as insurers will class you as a bigger risk.

A recent survey commissioned by Practice Plus Group found that 20% of the holiday makers surveyed chose to forgo travel insurance altogether due to the expensive implications of being on NHS waiting lists.13

What can happen if I travel without insurance?

The consequences of travelling without insurance can have dire financial consequences. Let’s use Spain as an example, which often ranks as one of the most popular holiday destinations for Brits.14 Basic medical repatriation via air ambulance from Spain to the UK can cost upwards of £20,000;15 when you factor in the relative proximity of Spain to the UK vs a region further afield like the US, you can imagine how an unforeseen medical incident could result in debilitating costs.

So, remember: traveling without travel insurance may save you money in the short term, but in the long-term it may be decision you wish you could unmake.


